Wedding Planning in the Carolinas


ready to get planning?


The blossom Collection

aka~Full Service Planning (Biggest Value)

This collection is for the bride who is super busy and just does not have the time to schedule vendor appointments, cake tastings, menu sampling, venue visits, etc. I will start the planning process by getting to know you and your fiancé, what your likes and dislikes may be, what your vision is for your wedding, what your priorities are when it comes to your big day and then we will work as a team to make sure all of the “i’s” have been dotted and the “t’s” crossed. This collection will allow you to not only enjoy your wedding day, but the entire process of planning.

For an extensive list of all services and pricing, contact Events of Inspiration.


The Bud Collection

aka~Partial Wedding Planning (Most Popular)

This collection is for the bride who would enjoy meeting with vendors and going to site visits but prefers having an expert wedding planning partner to guide you through the entire process as you meet with suggested vendors, when reviewing vendor contracts, when you need design ideas, and to keep you on track with a planning checklist. I will be checking in regularly to ensure you are feeling comfortable and confident with the planning process and if you have any questions along the way that those questions are answered. When your wedding day arrives my goal is that you are relaxed, calm and ready to say “I Do!”

For an extensive list of all services and pricing, contact Events of Inspiration.


The bulb collection

aka~Month-Of (Budget Conscious)

This collection is for the bride who enjoys the entire planning process of bringing her own vision to life. I will begin working alongside you a few months before your wedding to execute all the final details you worked so hard to prepare. Within this collection I will be checking in regularly to ensure planning is on track, discussing and creating a detailed timeline, reviewing vendor contracts, etc. Events of Inspiration will coordinate the rehearsal and wedding day and will act as your primary point of contact with your vendor team. I want you to be ecstatic on your wedding day as the vision you had in your mind becomes a reality.

For an extensive list of all services and pricing, contact Events of Inspiration.

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